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Very close to Gialova, you will see a sign on your left with directions leading to Schinolaka. You shall follow this road until you reach a crotch in the street and the relevant sign leading to Kalamaris Waterfall. Α dirt road starts in this spot, in the end of which you will have to park your car and walk the pathway to the waterfall. The pathway is narrow and covered in wild vegetation! In approximately 15 minutes of walk, you will reach a big clearing formed by plentiful anile plane trees.

You will definitely enjoy the thick dew which will make you forget the extreme summer heat! Cross the little bridge and ascend the manmade steps of the pathway which lead to the waterfall and the lake. During the summer months, you will not find much water; probably just a few little streams running on the rock and dripping into the lake.

The pathway to the waterfall was reconstructed only recently. Unfortunately though, one of the greatest liabilities of the place is water pollution caused by the olive presses in the wider area of Pylos and other related industrial units which deposit their waste in the lake without any sort of processing before discard. With sorrow we viewed quantities of oil outspread in the lake.

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