The Three Admirals’ Square is in the heart of Pylos and constitutes a worth-to-visit spot in town. The square took its name by the homonymous monument which lies in the middle of it and is created by sculptor Thomopoulos. The monument serves as a constant reminder of the Battle of Navarino. On the three sides of the monument, one can see the figures of the admirals of the three fleets which confronted the Turk-Egyptian fleet in the Battle of 1827; Codrington, Heyden and DeRigny. In both sides at the base of the monument, there are two cannons, an Ottoman one and a Venetian one, which are symbols of the civilizations that passed through there.
It is worth to enjoy the shade under the enormous plane trees which almost cover the square from end to end. From morning to evening, you will see people discussing and walking around, near the plentiful coffee shops and confectioneries. Search for Lykoudis plane-tree which was planted by Petros Lykoudis himselft in 1880 when he was a garrison commander in Pylos.

There are numerous shops around the square. Pylos is the ideal starting point for your excursions, offering great night-life, cultural events and natural beauty.
During your stay in Pylos, it is worth to visit the museum, Niocastro, the quarters of General Maison and Tsiklitiras’ house. We also suggest you to visit the old aqueduct with the arches that you will find on the uphill road heading to Methoni. And of course, let us not forget the island of Sphacteria and Navarino with its natural treasures!